Why we don't use polyester...

Polyester plastic image

Reasons for avoiding polyester in our clothing collection:

In our manufacturing processes, we consciously opt out of incorporating polyester and other synthetic fabrics. While these materials are favored by the fast fashion industry for their affordability and versatility, we have chosen to steer clear of them due to their detrimental environmental impact.

Polyester, often labeled as fashion’s “dirtiest” fabric, is emblematic of this issue. Derived from petrochemicals, it essentially amounts to wearing plastic. This synthetic, petroleum-based fiber is manufactured through carbon-intensive processes reliant on non-renewable resources, contributing significantly to environmental degradation. The production and disposal of polyester entail substantial energy consumption and the release of toxic chemicals into the ecosystem.

The repercussions extend beyond production, with synthetic textiles emerging as a leading contributor to microplastic pollution in marine environments. Furthermore, the dyes utilized in polyester fabric are not only harmful to human health but also exacerbate skin irritation, particularly in humid climates where perspiration is common.

While polyester production may necessitate less water than cotton or other natural fibers, the residual chemicals from dyeing processes pose a severe threat to water bodies, jeopardizing aquatic life and endangering communities reliant on rural water sources, particularly in developing nations.

Despite the allure of recycled polyester as a purportedly sustainable alternative, we remain unconvinced of its merits. The recycling process, unfortunately, exacerbates microplastic pollution, exacerbating the plastic waste crisis in landfills and oceans. Moreover, recycled polyester retains its plastic composition, preserving the undesirable characteristics outlined above.

In summary, our commitment to sustainability compels us to avoid polyester and its synthetic counterparts, opting instead for eco-friendly alternatives that prioritize environmental preservation and consumer well-being.

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